Ship's Company
Below is a list of those crew members of the USS John Marshall (SSBN/SSN-611) who have registered as a part of the Ship's Company. Personal information such as e-mail and phone numbers are not available on the public site but can be obtained through the Members Area.
Blough Calvin MMCM A div
Blue Van YN2(SS) 78 - 81 (B)
Blunt Bill MM1 (SS) 73 - 79 (B & G)
Boccio Anthony YN2 (SS) 66 - 69
Bond Tom Cdr. (C.O.)
Bondie Bill MMC(SS) Ret 75 - 78 (B)
Boss Charles ET1 1977-1979
Boyd Robert CPO 3
Bracha steven QM/2 1990-1992
Briggs J. RIchard LT, (MC) USN 1961-1963
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